Car Crashes Leading Cause of Teen Deaths

Each year as school ends for the summer, we hear tragic stories of teen lives cut short by car crashes. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens according to the CDC. In fact, they were the leading cause of death for every age 16 through 24 in 2014. Two startling facts from the NHTSA Teen Crash Statistics 2014 are: 1,727 drivers ages 15 to 20 died in motor vehicle crashes and 170,000 young drivers were injured in motor vehicle crashes.

100 Deadliest Days for Car Crashes Teen Drivers

According to a study by the AAA Foundation, over the past five years, more than 5,000 people have died in car crashes involving teen drivers during the 100 day summer driving period between Memorial Day and Labor Day. This is a period of time when more teens are on the road. The study found that distracted driving is a major cause of teen car crashes, accounting for nearly 60 percent of the teen crashes. Top causes of driving distractions for teens include interacting with one or more passengers, talking, texting or operating a cell phone, and looking at something inside of the vehicle. Nearly 50 percent of those teens surveyed by AAA admitted to reading a text message or emailing while driving. A study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute reported that texting while driving increases a risk of crash by 23 times.

Six Teen Car Crash Prevention Tipscar crash

The car accident attorneys at Distasio & Kowalski in Wilkes-Barre, Pa encourage you to talk to your teen about safe driving habits and high-risk behaviors. Be a good role model for your teen and you may be able to help prevent a tragic accident.

  1. Limit the amount of passengers in your teen’s vehicle. The more passengers, the higher the risk for a car crash.
  2. Stay free from distractions. Set rules for your teen regarding distractions while driving – including no cell phone or electronic device use. Encourage them to pull over into a safe spot if they need to make a call or text someone.
  3. Tell your teen the importance of following all of the rules of the road. This includes all posted speed limit signs, safe passing, keeping a safe distance behind the vehicle in front, etc.
  4. Be sure your teen understands the importance of seat belt use for both a driver and all passengers. Seat belts can help save lives.
  5. Limit night driving. Be sure to practice nighttime driving with your teen, it’s sometimes tricky even for experienced drivers.
  6. Prohibit all alcohol and drug use. Also be sure your teen knows never to get into a vehicle as a passenger with a driver who is under the influence. Let them know if they need a ride, they can call you.

The car crash attorneys at Distasio, Kowalski & Yelen have represented the victims of motor vehicle accidents throughout the state of Pennsylvania. Because we’ve seen the horrific results of teen crashes, we want to be sure that all teens understand the danger of distracted driving, in addition to other risky driving behaviors. We are highly experienced in all types of auto accident cases. If you need a car accident lawyer, call Distasio, Kowalski & Yelen in Wilkes-Barre today for a free consultation. Call 570-970-5400.

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